Harvest Creative Community

Are you longing for deeper connections with people who truly understand
the ups and downs of your creative business?

3 ways to be a part of Harvest

Small Group Placement Program
One time
For 3 months

12-week program based on community building in a group of 5-8 creatives

✓ 12 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with your small group
✓ Bi-monthly Guest Expert Zoom Calls with Q&A
✓ Access to Virtual Discussion Boards (Discord)
Harvest Membership
Every month
Every year

Monthly Membership for creatives to build relationships and grow their businesses

✓ Access to bi-weekly Body-Doubling studio sessions
✓ Opportunities for sporadic group shows and retreats
Mastermind with Emily
One time
For 3 months

Group Coaching and Community - Small Group meetings on Zoom at 10am on Wednesdays from February 28-April 17 - Join Emily with limited small group spots (8 ONLY) to grow your creative practice and business.

✓ Group Coaching
✓ Weekly Small Group Community on Zoom
✓ Marco Polo Channel for outside Communications
✓ Access to Harvest Community Group Calls

What people are saying

“Having a community is a game changer.
There’s a level of accountability that’s there, having multiple cheerleaders…it’s just awesome.”

— Lauren Phillips (Round 1 Member)

“I am motivated by people, and encouragement, and accountability, and that is my best teacher every time.
Doing it by myself, I am just not going to move, I’m stuck.
Harvest has brought momentum to my business, to my art skills, to my bravery, to the next scary thing,
it’s given me confidence.

-Michelle Bowden (Round 1 Member)

”I think it helped a lot with postpartum, honestly. It kept me focused on something besides being a mom.”

-Emily Vera (Round 1 Member)